Journal prompts. I know you love them. I’ve spoken about my love-hate relationship with journal prompts on my podcast in the past, but they are a good starting point for many people.
A new year is a hopeful time for many of us. We set goals or resolutions with the promise of a clean slate and a fresh start. However, humans are habitual beings. Change requires effort. Sadly, change does not magically happen. The good news is you have everything within you to make 2025 the best year of your life. I hope the following journal prompts will:
- Help you to reconnect with yourself
- Set healthier boundaries
- Become curious about your triggers (as uncomfortable as they may be, triggers are our clues for where to look)
- Assist you in avoiding burnout
I’ve recorded a podcast to complement this article for those who prefer audio content.
Using the journal prompts
- Pick a journal prompt to focus on
- Set aside 5-10 minutes in the calmest environment you can manage (go for longer if you can, but I know most of you are time-poor)
- Write down your thoughts without censorship – handwriting is preferable to typing as it helps to slow down the mind
- As you write, feel into your physical body with curiosity: What are you noticing from the neck down? (I’ve tried to incorporate this embodied approach into the prompts below)
- If you feel your system is tipping into overwhelm, stop and use your resource (find out more below)
Important: before you begin writing
- Have something handy that feels like the opposite of overwhelm – we call this a resource in embodied processing, the body-based approach training I’ve completed
Your resource can be anything: a pet, a memory, something imagined, a colour, a song, your favourite meal, nature, or something else. Everyone is different. Having a resource before writing is important because journaling can be triggering.
20 journal prompts to ensure 2025 doesn’t become a repeat of 2024
I’ve categorised these writing prompts so that you can choose prompts based on what you’d like to focus on. If you haven’t reflected on 2024 yet, you may be interested in this article 20 journal prompts to help you bid farewell to 2024.
Reflecting on 2024

If you summed up 2024 in a word, what would that word be? Where in your body do you feel that word?

Imagine holding 2024 in your hands. What does it look, feel, or smell like?

Think about a moment in 2024 that made you laugh or smile. Where in your body do you feel that memory?

What about your 2024 are you most proud of?
Creating your 2025

Picture yourself waking up on your best day of 2025. What are you noticing in your body as you picture this?

What do you want to release this year? What does ‘release’ feel like in your body?

Place your hand on your heart and take three deep belly breaths. What will you create in 2025?

Imagine you’re already in December 2025 and have had the best year of your life. How does this feel in your body?
Going within

Notice your bare feet on the floor. Write whatever comes to mind as you do this.

Write about a time when your gut instinct proved correct. What sensations did you notice in your body?

What part of your body feels the most alive right now? What might that part be trying to tell you?

What are you most grateful for regarding what your body can do for you?
Strengthening the mind-body connection

Sit quietly and notice your breathing for 3 minutes. Write about whatever you notice.

Reflect on a time you felt disconnected from your body in 2024. What was happening at this time?

Place your hand on your heart. Allow any thoughts to surface and fall away. Write about what you notice in your mind and body.

When do you feel your best? How can you plan a routine to support this in 2025?
Thriving physically, mentally and emotionally in 2025

What small promise will you make to yourself this year? How does this feel in your body?

Write about a self-care practice you’d like to incorporate into your routine. How can you bring this into your life in 2025?

Think about your workspace or home. How can you make it feel more supportive and nourishing?

Describe your perfect day. When will you plan a day like this for yourself?
I hope you find these 20 journaling prompts helpful. Most of all, I hope you experience your best year yet and make yourself a priority.
If you loved these journaling prompts and want to delve further with 1-on-1 support, explore my Soulful Steps Pilot Program. I have 2 places left as 1 is already gone. A 50% discount is available for a limited time only and you can secure your spot in 2024 for a 2025 start if you wish to. You are welcome to reach out with any questions you may have, and I’m happy to schedule a Zoom call to see if we are a good fit: